武汉新动态英语 发表于 2018-3-21 16:56:48


在立春日竖鸡蛋是中国的一个传统习俗。据说由于在春天的第一天,太阳位于地球两极的中央,由于特殊的重力作用,鸡蛋很容易被竖着放置。 It is a tradition in many places of China to erect eggs on vernal equinox, a term of Chinese lunar calendar. It is said that due to the sun's equidistant position between the poles of the earth on the first day of the spring, special gravitational forces apply. “春分”这个词看上去或许有些陌生:vernal equinox vernal意为春天的;而equinox意为“一年中白昼和黑夜长度相同的日子”,这样的日子一年只有两次,就是春分和秋分啦,秋分的英文就是autumnal equinox。今天小编就要为大家总结一下“春分”这个节气的最全英语知识。 Vernal Equinox春分 春分发生在每年3月21日前后,在这天太阳正好直射于赤道。 "Vernal Equinox” arrives around March 21 every year and on this day, the sun is vertically above a point on the equator(n.赤道). 春分”代表了2层意思。第一,这一天白天和夜晚时间等长,都只有12个小时。第二,它是春季的中间点。 “Vernal Equinox” indicates(v.代表) two meanings. Firstly, on this day, the night and day are approximately equally(adv.相等地)long with 12 hours each. Secondly, it’s the mid-point for the spring season.“ · tipsequatorn. 赤道         indicatev. 表示      equallyadv. 相等地 Causes of Equinox形成原因 春分时,太阳直射赤道,春分是在春天中期,通常在每年的三月20或者21号。这一天,太阳直射赤道,所以白天、黑夜是一样长的。 Vernal Equinox is the middle of spring and usually on the 20 or 21 of March every year. On this day, the sun directly blazes down(v.直射)the equator, so that day and night is equalin length. 一年之际在于春!活了几千年的人类可能并不是很清楚这个天文学上的详细原因,但是世世代代的人们都知道地球会周期性地降温和回暖,春分是其中的一个时间划分点,意味着北半球开始摆脱冬天的寒冷。 Humans living thousands of years may not have known the details of this astronomy(n.天文学), but over generations ( 世世代代)they certainly learnt that the Earth gets warmer and colder in pretty regular cycles(定期循环,周期性地), with the spring equinox marking one point when the Northern Hemisphere begins to shrug off (v.摆脱)winter’s cold. 气温回暖,土地解冻,适合种植农作物,同时降雨增加,灌溉庄稼,冬眠越冬的动物也从各自的小窝里出来了。 Warmer temperatures thaw frozen(adj.冰冻的,冰封的) ground to make it easier for planting crops (种植庄稼), increased rainfall waters these and animals that hibernated over winter(越冬) emerge from their dens (n.兽穴). · tipsastronomyn. 天文学over generations世世代代in regular cycles定期循环,周期性地 最后,给大家整理一些在英语写作的时候关于“春分”的句子! · They are thought to have arisen with the celebrations(n.庆祝) of the vernal equinox .人们认为他们是出自于庆祝春分的来临。 · In china , we say " tree peonies(n.玫瑰) planted in spring will never bloom "在中国,我们有春分栽牡丹,到老不开花"的说法。 · Make your whole year's plan in the spring and the whole day's plan in the morning.一年之计在于春,一天之计在于晨。 3月不努力,整年徒伤悲!3月春季有“语”:对你券心券意,保你学习给力;精彩外教课程免费听,不可错过的必抢福利;分享学霸计划,让你实力开挂!3月学习季,让孩子加入我们一起来学习英语吧!

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查看完整版本: 今日春分,如何用英语表达春暖花开?